I still can't get used to the fact that all kinds of fruits and vegetables grow gloriously around me here in California, in my very own backyard! I know I say things like that all the time, and my loyal few are MORE than fed up with the California adoration, but SERIOUSLY people! I plucked some oranges from my tree this afternoon, which is positively laden with heavy golden-tangerine globes, and decided to make a pitcher of juice, seeing as how I had no inspiration for orange-infused recipes for the week. I'm sitting at my kitchen table this very minute, imbibing a slightly tart, perfectly sweet glass of juice, and thinking of how very lucky and blessed I am.
I cannot WAIT for the day that my apricots reach fruition! I will be filling my blog with proud pictures, apricot-infused recipes, and the adventures sure to ensue from making apricot jam! For now, though, I'm content to seize my sturdy, steady oranges, even if I do nothing more than admire them before slicing them up for a lunch time snack.
Rachel is on a fruit leather making kick! Wonder if any of your varieties are good for that?
This really is amazing. Especially when I look out my window as the sad sparse grey Jersey trees that haven't even budded for spring yet.
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