Here is a list of what I have relied upon most to dress my handsome A.
H & M shirts and onesies. I wasn't aware H & M carried kids' clothing until just before A was born, and truthfully, I didn't dive right in to shopping there until he was a few months old. It was only then, when we were past the pajamas/wearable blankets/snuggly infant clothes stage that I really appreciated what they had to offer. Not only is everything RIDICULOUSLY cheap, the designs are unique, with a bit of European flair. My A sports sweater vests, brightly colored pants, and skinny jeans, and doesn't match every other kid on the block, which I appreciate. As for the onesies, I know my guy is on the older side for wearing them, but I think they are super convenient for cooler weather-keeps him a bit warmer than a t-shirt would. We do lots of layering in California, and even though we're going through an unseasonable heat wave, it's only a matter of time before it's cooler again. At H & M, you can find organic cotton onesies in a variety of basic colors, 3 for $10!!! The pictures I included give a good idea of what you might find at H & M. Check out those suspenders!
Old Navy shirts and shorts. I love, LOVE basic tees and shorts from Old Navy, and can't say enough good things about them. They are affordable, hold up well, and come in a plethora of designs, enough to indulge my Toy Story/Finding Nemo loving boy and to please me with a few that are original, like this one.
Gap pjs. It is difficult for me to restrain myself when it comes to buying these pjs. At first, I mourned the end of footed, one-piece pajamas, but once I put A in his first pair of Gap two-piece pjs, I completely forgot why I was upset in the first place. They are, in a word, adorable, and he is adorable wearing them. He has more than his fair share, but to their credit, the pjs are sized well and last for a long time. We've been wearing 18-24 months for over a year, and are just now stocking up on 2T. And in case you're wondering if my obsession is specific to Gap, the answer is yes. The quality and designs trump other brands, in my opinion. We have had a few pairs of Carter's pj's, but they fade and weather quickly.

See Kai Run shoes. I read about See Kai Run on a blog a few years ago, and I was really excited to try out the shoes once A started walking. My guy was barefoot for a LONG time-no shoes at all until he was actually walking. He had hot, dry little feet, and he wasn't in love with the idea of shoes, just marched around without them until we tried a pair of these. They are awesome-solid, easy to slip on, and best of all, smartly designed, with bright, modern colors and a marked lack of characters or trying-to-be-trendy patterns. For the most part, I have relied on just the one pair of See Kai Run shoes in each of the three sizes A has achieved (5, 6, 7). He wears them until he can't fit them, every single day.
Sunday Afternoons sun hat. My dear mother-in-law picked up a pair of these hats for A and my darling niece L a long time ago, and I'll be honest-at first, I thought they looked like a pair of old ladies tottering around on the beach with their big hats. However, I have since seen the error of my ways. Not only do the cousins look super cute sporting their hats, hardly a beam of sunlight can penetrate them. I'm embarrassed to admit that I've lost two hats already, and we have begun to accumulate quite the collection. Because of this I can tell you with absolute certainty that the Sunday Afternoons hats are really the best-not cheap, but definitely the prime choice for protecting your toddler from the sun.
There are a few other things that I like to indulge in, every once in a while. I like Gymboree for button-downs and the occasional t-shirt, and I was thrilled to find Hanna Andersen pajamas at Costco (yes, I do have a strange pajama fixation). We are on our second pair of Converse sneakers, I've bought at least one item at Out of Print, and I take advantage of Gap sales when they come up.
I've decided to write about our eating essentials next time-it's about more than blueberries!