Saturday, July 18, 2009

"I thought he looked more like a Carlos."

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I have been wiling away the hours of this past week with my kindred spirit and best friend, Jessica, otherwise known as Pretty Cheap Dress. There are loads of things to post about, including my nothing-short-of-amazing-and-incredible FIFTH Coldplay concert, which I've already briefly teased, but for now, I'm just going to relax with my Sweet Husband (yes, the elusive meaning behind my frequent SH abbreviation). We devoured thick, juicy NY strip steaks for dinner, which I prepared for the grill with a light coating of olive oil and an EXTREMELY liberal shower and subsequent rubbing of coarsely ground pepper. Among my SH's many talents is a great grilling sense-not only were the steaks perfectly medium, with a crisp outer crust and a delightfully juicy, reddish-pink middle, but he also managed to give the side dish of grilled asparagus the exactly-right mild char. Accompanying our meal was a simple arugula salad that I livened up with chunks of pecan and crumbles of my new favorite find at Trader Joe's-white stilton with apricots. I've seen it many times as I longingly admired the cheeses, wishing desperately that they were somehow all made miraculously and simultaneously healthy and cheap, but I never actually thought of purchasing it until Jess and I were putting together a picnic for our trip to Napa. In three words: Best. Decision. Ever. I'll be buying this cheese as long as they sell it at my beloved TJ's.

In the name of being equitable about all information related to a certain franchise that I'm borderline obsessed with, I feel that I would be remiss in not sharing the latest New Moon still, despite the fact that I'm unequivocally, absolutely Team Edward, THROUGH AND THROUGH. Should there even be teams? If you've read the books, however, you'll recognize that this image is utterly legitimate and true to the story, teams or no. Which does make me happy.

In other pop culture news that I can't escape from, Jillian the Bachelorette has made the VERY poor decision (IMO) to eliminate quirky, adorable Reid, the ONE bachelor that (a)did not waffle between work and true reality love or (b)does not give a vacuous, glazed-over stare whenever hard questions arise or seems to think that his only flaw is that "ab number eight is not as defined as the other ones" (Had to steal that HILARIOUS line from Lincee). How could one not heart Reid, with such spoken gems as "Is this going to be in Spanish?"-said when receiving the infamous forego card whilst in Spain and "I have two wives."-tart response when Jill was pressing him for info about sleazy Wes's cheatin' past and present. I miss him already, and am already disappointed aboot the finale. I don't even know if Lincee's antics could make me watch it.

Finally, Jess came through YET AGAIN and inspired even more new musical fascinations. If you must know, I've been compulsively replaying "Death" by the White Lies over and over ever since she told me about them. Love it.

Coming up in the next few days: garage organizing, breathlessly racing through the hundreds of pages I have left in Little Dorrit, and hopefully catching Harry Potter. Clearly, my movie theater anxiety precludes any attending of a blockbuster like Harry Potter, which made $100 million in the span of 24 hours, until there has been an adequate amount of time for the lines and bedlam to settle down. I think I'll wait until Sunday. A hint from the hilariousness that I watched this week with Jess, a safe several weeks after its premiere? "I added 4 more wolves to my wolfpack...4 wolves, running around the dessert..."


J&Co. said...
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J&Co. said...

HAHA! Oh yeah, the baby's name! Dang, that is a good picture! It's funny you didn't mention the purpose: to prove your blessed heighth and how clearly the Hilton did not have midgets in mind when creating a 'full' length mirror. I had so much fun. I feel complete everytime I see you! As I declared to Pat Green "...solidified in my, for me. Er, me, for you..." Ha! You know what I mean :)Love ya