5. Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage Concealer. My go-to concealer. Everything else pales in comparison. Ha! That's almost a pun.

4. Maybelline Mascara of the Moment. Though I’ve never been a big fan of the original Great Lash, I love Maybelline mascaras, and see no reason for spending money on expensive brands. Right now, my mascara of choice is The Colossal Volum' Express. Very black.

3. Cetaphil. Um, is there anyone who hasn’t heard about Cetaphil? Universally praised, utterly affordable, cleanser to the stars AND the average Jane? It’s great, though definitely no frills. No fresh smell or creamy texture.

2. Benetint. Best. Blush. Ever. Smells like roses, lasts for hours, looks natural. I never allow myself to run out of it.

1. Bare Minerals spf15 Powder Foundation. I can’t say enough about the Bare Minerals products. Not only does my skin look better, clearer, and more smooth when using the foundation, but it’s also incredibly low maintenance. I haven’t touched a drop of any other foundation for going on three years.
Perhaps I should have had a green-themed Top 5 list today….my creative juices just aren’t flowing, though. We all have days like these.
I want to run out and buy every single one of these products now. Hope you're enjoying your time with your family! xoxox Hanne
I want to see a pic of your colossal lashes! And I have been wanting to try the Bene-tint...with Aunt Mickey's and your approval, maybe I will. Give Mema a kiss from us.
YES! Maybe I will start to wear make-up (and clothes) Monday-Saturday. Thanks for the tips...
This rocks! When you get a chance, check out my giveaway (especially the ME MEAL one!)
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