Thursday, June 25, 2009


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Yes, I know I've just returned from Europe, which by all accounts, should count as a vacation trip. And I know that my hiatus from teaching this past year might also constitute a vacation of sorts. I suppose I just can't get enough of vacation-ing, which would be why I'm going to be terribly behind on all the many things I plan to post about. My husband's best friend is visiting, so we'll both be happily occupied for the next few days. I thought I might just share a few highlights from the past few days, know, for the approximately three people that peruse my blog!

My apricots are finally ripe enough to eat! As you can see, they're quite small, but they are OH SO GOOD.

Our lavender looked so beautiful I simply had to take a photo. Its fresh scent, particularly in the evenings, is something I look forward to when I have to come home late from class.

My arugula is flourishing! It's actually kind of out of control.

AGH! The daughter of a couple who are neighbors to my in-laws won some sort of contest in order to receive an early copy of the sequel to The Hunger Games, and I am currently on the list of people who'll get to borrow it! I am counting the seconds. Literally.

You should know that it's currently 3:33 a.m. and I've stayed up until now playing Nazi Zombies on Call of Duty: World at War. I'm pathetic when it comes to video games, but that doesn't make them less addictive!

I'll be back with my regularly scheduled blogging next week...for now, I'm just enjoying all of this great time with friends.

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