Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Godwinian philosophy

Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Just a few words of wisdom from my new buddy, William Godwin.  I'll be reading a lot of him in upcoming months.  

my personal favorite of the various portraits of William Godwin

There is a numerous class of individuals who, though rich, have neither brilliant talents nor sublime virtues; and, however highly they may prize their education, their affability, their superior polish and the elegance of their manners, have a secret consciousness that they possess nothing by which they can so securely assert their preeminence and keep their inferiors at a distance as the splendor of their equipage, the magnificence of their retinue and the sumptuousness of their entertainments.  The poor man is struck with this exhibition; he feels his own miseries; he knows how unwearied are his efforts to obtain a slender pittance of this prodigal waste; and he mistakes opulence for felicity.  He cannot persuade himself that an embroidered garment may frequently cover an aching heart. 
-Enquiry Concerning Political Justice

At first reading, I was tempted to post this accompanied by a picture of Kim Kardashien.  Then I worried that I might call too much attention to her potentially "aching" heart.

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