Friday, April 9, 2010

The Parts in the Sum of the Whole

Friday, April 9, 2010

I'll admit that this is something of a frivolous post, considering that I'm practically ALONE amongst my fam and friends in my whole-hearted admiration of Bones, and the particular segment I've chosen to share wouldn't even seem like much to an unfamiliar viewer (to a faithful fan, it was a HUGE episode and moment!). Consider it a shameless plug for the show, which (all Office antics and Jack Bauer loving aside) is truly my favorite. David Boreanz is absolutely spectacular, EVERY time, whether he's wrestling a criminal to the ground or convincing Brennan that she does, indeed, have a heart. Emily Deschanel is equal parts funny, exasperating, and ultimately, endearing. Give it a go, as C would say. Though I might suggest staying away if you don't enjoy good ol' crime dramas. Or have a weak stomach (it can get g-ROSS). Or find that you're not a sucker for "will they or won't they" television romance arcs. I obviously cannot help myself.

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