Wow. It has been quite some time since I've allowed an entire month to pass by without a post. And here I am, on the verge of yet another month slipping by! June had showed such promise! Now, there have been the requisite summer activities, beach trips, birthdays, and blissful vacations. Summer has proved to be the opposite of what it always appears to be: hectic and unpredictable rather than slow and full of days that need to be filled. The truth is that I find myself utterly consumed by the little guy above. I spend every waking moment with him, and while it's entirely wonderful, there are plenty of anxieties that tend to plague the mind of this mom, and I confess to occasionally getting lost in the worries of early childhood. I know I need to work on this, and my prayer is that I lose not a single joyous moment to a nagging worry. It's not that unusual, I think, for stay-at-home moms to find that their minds are filled only with the concerns of their little ones, often forgetting to take care of themselves or other relationships in their lives. It's quite the slippery slope, because clearly one's child should be of the utmost priority. All of this is to say, that managing to squeeze out a few of my own words in this quite little space is a way that I can do something for me, which in turn is good for my little one too.